I can't believe the amount of cool tiki joints being built around the country of late.....Not that I'm complaining...I just hope it doesn't go too mainstream. We don't want to end up being called Fake Tiki, well come to think of it Party City has a whole section on Fake Tiki...hahaha just kidding all Tiki is cool in my book. Anyway, I've been a busy Tiki Rancher lately...A Cool cat on the other side of town by the name of Michael rang me on the telephone. He told me he needed a bamboo cabana next to his pool. So, I went over to find the most beautiful Tikified Lagoon style pool - all it was missing was a grass shack to complete the scene. The previous owner (bless his soul) built the pool and some of the bamboo components needed some help and there was a perfect spot for a nice size cabana. Of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity to help him complete his vision.